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Germany National Football Team

Germany National Football Team



The Germany national football team, officially known as the German Deutsche Fußballnationalmannschaft, represents Germany in men's international football.

The history of the team dates back to 1908 when Germany played its inaugural international match.


Founded in 1900, the team is headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Contact information:

  • Address: Otto-Fleck-Schneise 6, 60528 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • Phone: 49 69 678 80
  • Fax: 49 69 678 8266
  • E-mail: [Email address]

Team Performance

Under the leadership of young talents like Mario Götze, the national team has established a new standard of football.

This resurgence led Germany to a series of successful campaigns, including:

  • 2024 EURO Championship victory


The Germany national football team remains a powerhouse in international football. With a rich history and a talented squad, they continue to inspire and thrill fans worldwide.
